Stealth a Gift of Health

Stealth a Gift of Health

I watched the Stealth ad through my Facebook feed for a few weeks. Then decided I wanted to give myself the best gift ever and get myself healthy. My husband ordered Stealth for me for Mother’s Day. I received my Stealth on June 8th 2020.  

I hopped on and now I’m hooked!

Stealth is a better a.m. boost than coffee; Stealth keeps me feeling extra toned throughout the day! I’ve been keeping a weekly log since June 8th. The challenges keep me accountable, and the Facebook page is so inspiring and filled with such lovely people. Stealth Nation Facebook members help me celebrate even the smallest achievement and help boost me up on the not so good days. I added the Stealth diet July 8th and wow!! I love it! I’ve also incorporated 30 minutes of cardio daily and golf once a week. I am down 6lbs in 7 days!  I am truly blessed to be a part of the Stealth Nation!

-Marcy Roma P.A.

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